Maintenance efficiency and the classification of its assets

The classification of maintenance assets in relation to their criticality is essential to helping maintenance management define its priorities.
When defining a proactive and efficient maintenance strategy, where usually means and resources are scarce, one should be focused on the assets with the greatest impact on the company's results, also, awareness should be taken into account relating  the associated risks linked with potential technical problems regarding the company's equipment assets.

Risk Level

The risk level of an event is characterized by its impact and likelihood of occurrence, usually, its assessment is computed by a risk matrix that combines these two principles. According to the graph, we can conclude that the risk is higher in the red area with considerable impact and probability, lower risk on the green areas and medium risk on the yellow.

 Criticality assessment of assets

Sometimes the criticality of an equipment is confused with the risk of having technical problems, but in reality, the consequences of failure have to be taken into account. ISO 55000 suggests that a critical asset should be one that has the potential to have a significant impact on the achievement of a company's objectives.

We can thus conclude that the risk assessment of maintenance assets is not focused on pieces of equipment but rather on its consequences for the company.

Need to assess the criticality of assets

There is no greater waste than using our time and resources to do something that will not be used in the future.
For this reason, before starting the analysis of the criticality of maintenance assets, one must have a notion as to what this classification will be used for.
Critical asset classification can be used for various purposes in maintenance, but it will depend on company's policies and its management objectives. Some of the decisions that may be sustained by asset risk classification are as follows:

Elaboration of an efficient maintenance plan according to the company's resources;
Definition of a predictive maintenance plan;
Definition of priorities when planning work/tasks;
Elaboration of a list of spare parts needed for critical equipment;
Assets in which a greater engineering effort will be made to improve reliability;
Etc, etc ...

 Understanding the risk of events

As mentioned above, risks must be assessed according to the consequences that an event may have for the company. For example, if there are two production lines in which one produces for the company's most important customer every week of the year and the other works for other customers at a lower frequency,then in the classification of risk, the first line assets should always have a higher evaluation than the second.
If the company has two compressors that are redundant and, to meet its consumption needs, only one needs to be working, then the risk is not very high. If there are two other compressors under the same conditions, but they are ammonia compressors, the risk of a leak can bring health issues, environmental issues and even credibility issues for the company, therefore, although a redundant system is in place, the risk s higher.
We can then conclude that, when the risk of a potential failure in maintenance assets is assessed, taking into account their consequences for the company, its impact on several aspects: production, maintenance, health, environment, quality and more should be assessed. Alongside with any area that may have a negative impact on the company.

Critical assets analysis

In order to begin an asset classification process in relation to the consequences of a potential failure, a multidisciplinary team of different areas of the company should be gathered that can bring important input to decision making. For example maintenance, production, safety, quality, etc.
The analysis should start by the elaboration of an impact/probability risk matrix and define the areas that should be evaluated as having an impact on the company (production, environment, health, safety, legal compliance, company reputation, etc.). The probability can be analyzed mathematically or taking into account the experience and history of asset failure.
Asset analysis should not be done as a list where assets will all be on the same level, which makes the process time-consuming and confusing, but opt for a hierarchical analysis by installation level.

The analysis must always be from the higher to the lower level, and the classification of lower levels should always be equal to or less than that of the higher levels. This definition will structure and accelerate the analysis process, making it more efficient.

Strategy to reduce risk

After classification of their assets, managers must define strategies to mitigate the risk of potential failures. An example of a decision table may be as follows:

As a conclusion we understand that in efficient maintenance, effort and resources must be distributed according to the company's objectives, the classification of the criticality of its assets is fundamental to decisions support and maintenance management organization.
